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In this section we will periodically link to interesting and relevant articles related to children and early childhood growth and development 


Mel Peirce is a local Certified Professional Coach and Parent Mentor who serves as a great resource for parents with children of all ages!  Below are links to a few of her recent blog posts to check out or click here to go to her website 

Are you looking forward to your kids returning to school? It’s that time of year when we all start thinking about kids going back to school, and I do a lot of coaching on how to help kids prepare for the transition.  In this week's article, I share tips on what to do in the week or two before school starts.

Is your child starting school soon?  Kids can experience a wide range of feelings, from anxiety to excitement over the first day of school.  Heightened emotions in any direction will affect your child’s ability to control their behavior. In this week's article, I share tips to help them have a good first day!

When kids are anxious about facing a new situation, like going back to school or starting a new activity, our first instinct as parents is typically to reassure them.  We think reassuring our kids and telling them everything will be okay will help calm their nerves.  This came up in a recent coaching session with a Mom whose new kindergartener didn't want to go to school. She shared how she attempted to help and told him he would be okay, but it just made things worse.  Find out why and what to do instead in this week's article.

As parents, we all know that reading to our children is important, but did you know that you can help your child learn other lessons and helpful skills through reading?  Studies have shown that books can help your child learn lessons and skills. The key is how you read to them; I share how in this week's article.

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